Saturday, February 26, 2005

Janet Albrechtsen. Oh no!

The appointment of conservative Murdoch newspaper columnist and ABC critic Janet Albrechtsen to the board of Australia's public broadcaster is a disaster. You can hear it in her words: the ABC has an obligation "to present fair and balanced news and current affairs programs". How she can publicly use the classic Fox term "fair and balanced" without cracking up, or realising that the audience is pissing itself, is a complete mystery.

It's good that AM tackled her, although her words are disingenuous:

NICK GRIMM: Well, the ABC staff elected director, Ramona Koval, says your appointment is inappropriate because, she says, you're hostile to the philosophy of public broadcasting. Are you hostile to the concept of public broadcasting?

JANET ALBRECHTSEN: Not at all. I mean, I don't think that I have ever put that on the public record, and it's not a private view. I'm fully supportive of having a public broadcaster like the ABC, and provided that it's delivering the obligations that it has under the charter, then, you know, we are very lucky to have a public broadcaster."
Source: AM


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