Saturday, February 19, 2005

Hobart ABC Radio ... grrrrr

Had a call yesterday morning from a producer at ABC radio in Hobart. Would I have an on-air chat to their presenter at 5.45 PM on the subject of blogs? Sure, I said. Will my website URL get a mention? My question either wasn't heard or was overridden, so I asked it again. I mean, I do plenty of interviews for free, often with the benefit not to me but to the program, so I don't think a plug is asking too much. These days I always request it. Yes, Jen will mention it. Cool, I said.

By the way, the producer asks, what is a blog, anyway? Well bugger me dead, I always thought I couldn't get a media job because I wasn't smart enough. Lord knows my resumé has been knocked back more than 300 times.

Took time out of my normally busy day to be interviewed by aforementioned Jen, whose attitude was "Why would anyone bother writing a blog? Why on earth would anyone bother reading one?" It sounded like she'd never read one either, and couldn't care less. "What's your blog about, Pip? Oh, Nature in your local neighbourhood. But why on earth would you want to write about that?" They had invited me to leave my busy day, make sure that I was at home at the right time, disconnect the Internet, plug in the phone and wait for their call, and enter their home (because I'm a "guest") ... to be trivialised in public.

After the interview ended I waited on the phone for the mention of my URL, but all I heard Jen mention was Aussie Blogs, which I had told her about in the interview. "Well folks, if you want to know more about blogs, go to Aussie Blogs". A few more seconds passed then the phone hung up loudly in my ear. Then I crawled under my desk and nearly slipped a disc, put the plug back in the back of my computer, and went back to work, or trying to get work, which amounts to the same thing.


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