Wednesday, August 10, 2005

ABC's search engine works at last!

The new homepage for ABC is not bad, but not as good as the previous one. Let's hope the search engine indexes the whole site every day instead of every ten years like the old one. Oh! I just tested it with 'barnaby joyce' and it returned an August 10th news item. Well done, ABC webmaster!

While I'm on the subject, ok, any subject, if the host of Australia Talks Back really does "detest sport", he and I don't detest the same way. These were his words in a correspondence to me following a former criticism I made of what seems like a pro-competitive sport stance of the program. Tonight's bit on soccer and Sandy's "it's been an absolute pleasure having you" to his soccer-mad guests, belies this detestation. So why did he say it?

Being a totally reasonable person, I don't hope that anyone detests sport. I only want them to detest competitive sport. The fact that only a small proportion of the Australian populations seems to understand the difference is just another reason for detestation. Come on, Sandy, you can do it. Let's see some real hatred here!


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