Sunday, December 18, 2005

ABC News: Language subversion, but why?

Use of Americanisms might seem innocuous, especially as we all do it to a certain extent. However, it's very unfortunate that ABC Radio National News takes it one step further, almost as though some person or persons there has a mission to extend American terms and pronunciations beyond the usual 'guy' and 'hi' which we all use.

For example, they have cancelled a great and original Australian term, 'lifesaver' (we were, after all, the originators of beach lifesaving), and replaced it with 'lifeguard' (a la Baywatch). The word 'repeat' they now call 're-peat', with the accent on the first syllable a la Jed Clampett, and 'railway station' is now almost invariably 'train station', like something you would find in the USA (if they had a rail network even remotely as good as Australia's).

How can we subvert the subverters? I really don't know, except of course in whatever small way I can bring these things to attention by Turtling them. Why are they doing it? I haven't the slightest idea. Why don't people in authority at the ABC do something about it? I cain't figger it, pardner!

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